Theme: Care, Kindness, and Creativity
DEADLINE: Sunday, February 2, 2025 by 11:59 p.m. EST
We are accepting proposals that describe empirical studies of SoTL, theoretical discussions of SoTL, and descriptions of best practice of teaching.
Submissions may be for one of the following formats.
- Concurrent sessions: Presentation + discussion (30 minutes)
- Panel sessions: Several discussants on a single topic, organized by submitter (30 minutes)
- Posters: Poster on empirical work or best practice (30 minutes)
- Quick Hits: "Lightning Round" of tips and tricks (5 minutes)
Preference will be given to proposals that are focused on the conference theme and are generalizable to many teaching situations.
To submit a proposal, provide the following:
- Title: 10 words maximum (for conference program)
Short abstract: 60 words maximum (for conference program)
Preferred presentation format: Concurrent Session, Panel Session, Poster, or Quick Hits. Please indicate whether you are flexible and willing to change format if asked.
Description: up to 800 words (References not included in word count)
- What are your goals for the session?
- Overview of the content
- Scholarly references (three or more recommended)
- Presenter information for each presenter.
Institution or Affiliation
Position Title
Email Address - All proposals must be submitted electronically via the SoTL Proposal site (below) by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, February 2, 2025.
Submissions are closed.
- A confirmation receipt of your proposal submission will go to your email. You will be notified of the outcome of the blind peer review by the end of February.
Download a copy of the call for proposals for your reference.